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State of the art activities rare diseases Europe

There is much going on in Europe
European Union

The Report on the State of the Art of Rare Disease activities in Europe is a well-established resource providing valuable, detailed information for all stakeholders in the field of rare diseases and orphan medicinal products.

It highlights activities and progress at both the European Union (EU) and Member State (MS) levels. Under the EUCERD Joint Action the report was produced by the INSERM team in Paris, in five volumes. This was a substantial report, downloaded 15,000 times per annum and divided into five volumes. Under the subsequent Joint Action, RD-ACTION (2015-18) production of the State of the Art resource moved to Newcastle University and it was agreed that two versions of the ‘Overview report’ (the current document) would be produced in the project lifetime: this overview report is complemented by Member State-specific webpages under the main RD-ACTION site, detailing activities at the national level.
