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We have a number of formal certifications

ANBI (Dutch Tax)

ANBIWith effect from 1 January 2008, our organization has been recognized by the Dutch Tax Authorities as ‘Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling’ (ANBI number 815 64 96 54). The consequence of this is that donations and donations within the Dutch tax legislation are tax-deductible according to the applicable rules.

The remuneration policy of our organization is based on reimbursement of actual costs. The board members receive a monthly fee which reimburses the costs of internet connection, telephone and energy consumption.

For board members, doctors and other volunteers, travel expenses are reimbursed on the basis of kilometers travelled and actual costs associated with the used car (depending on the list price of the car). Travel costs when using public transport such as train (2nd class), airplane (economy class) and taxi are reimbursed one-to-one. When a board member or other volunteer represents the organization, a per diem can apply.

Central Bureau Fundraising (the Netherlands)

As of 1 July 2016, we have received the CBF quality mark as a CMTC-OVM organization!

What does the CBF quality label stand for?

Since 1996, the CBF (Central Bureau Fundraising) is awarding a quality mark to fundraising institutions. The CBF-recognized charity logo shows that this organization adheres to the rules that apply to recognition by the independent CBF. Recognized charities know what they want to achieve, have their organization in order and tell openly and understandably about it. Once every three years, the CBF tests recognized charities again. Temporary checks can also take place.

National Organization for Rare Disorders (USA)

We have the Platinum status as a member of the United States National Organization for Rare Diseases NORD because we meet the highest organizational standards they set.