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Annual reports

Our annual reports show are activities and financials – we are a transparent organisation
Annual report

We have been active as an organization since 1997 and have published our annual reports and annual financials from the first year.

We publish our annual reports and annual financials for many reasons:

  1. We want to be transparent, in particular how we spend the financial contributions of our members, donors and sponsors.
  2. It gives confidence to our members, donors and sponsors (such as IBM). We receive a subsidy from the Dutch government and then it is legally required to share financial data.
  3. We have the CBF quality mark and then openness and publication of financial data are mandatory.
  4. Among others, we are a member of the US National Organization for Rare Diseases National (NORD) and they state that member organizations should be transparent with their financial information.

Financial audits

Before we publish our annual report and annual accounts, various financial audits are carried out:

  1. We have an internal Audit Committee that inspects our books every year.
  2. We have an external auditor who conducts our financial administration, carries out audits and prepares our annual accounts.
  3. We have to share our financial data with the Central Bureau of Fundraising (CBF) because of our CBF certification.
  4. The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport provides a subsidy to our organization and they can at any time employ an external accountant to review our financial data. We have to report annually how we have spent the subsidy as well.

Annual report 2023

Annual reports (last 5 years)

Annual reports (older than 5 years)