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Think global

Our sponsors

The sponsors below help us in various ways.

Would you like to become a sponsor as a company? Contact us!

wordpress website laten maken

Allround web

We are grateful for our collaboration with Allround Web. We entered into a partnership with Allround Web from the beginning of 2023, and this has given our website a significant boost in terms of both traffic and visual design! They do not declare all hours spent.

Design Delicious

Design Delicious is a graphic design agency that has been designing many of our documents including: our brochures, banners, annual reports, and other creative documents at reduced rates.

The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport

The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport has been one of our most important sponsors since 1998. This ministry finances our activities in the areas of patient contact, providing information, advocacy and supporting our back office.



IBM: CMTC president Lex van der Heijden has worked for IBM for many years. IBM sponsors us financially and several former colleagues assist with translation work.


We believe privacy and security are crucial within our organisation. This also applies to sending e-mail. The company ZIVVER has given us a free license to send secure, encrypted emails with files up to 1 TB.


ZonMw is a Dutch non-profit financing organization supporting innovation and research in healthcare. ZonMw finances on a project basis. They have financed our first two Patient Advocacy projects.

Become a sponsor

Would you also like to become a sponsor or provide support to our patients and their families while also showing that your company is helping the world be a better place? Please contact us.


We apply ethical guidelines when it comes to accepting our sponsors. Firstly, we do not want to do business with sponsors who are involved in the arms trade, child labor, etc. Secondly, we do not accept sponsorship by political parties. Lastly, we want to maintain our independence and will not accept any influence to our policies by a sponsor.