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General Practitioner brochure

CMTC folder for general practitioner and other health care professionals

The Dutch GP society, the Patient organization CMTC-OVM, and the association of cooperating parent and patient organisations (VSOP) have together written the digital CMTC brochure, especially for general practitioners.
The digital brochure contains practical tips for the general practitioner for the treatment and guidance of the patient as well as for his/her relatives.

It is preferable that coordination of care be done in consultation with a specialised practitioner, as well as with the (parents of the) patient, so as to be aligned with the needs of that patient. Names of practitioners and contact details of specialised centres for vascular anomalies can be obtained from the CMTC-OVM patient organisation.

It is useful to make doctors’ assistants, general practitioners and, for example, youth physicians, or physiotherapists aware of the digital GP brochure.

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