Webinar 26 March 2022 – Experiences from and with parents
Webinar 26 March 2022 – Experiences from and with parents
Dr. Margaret Lee
Life as a parent of a child with a vascular malformation (but also other conditions) is not always easy.
Possibly you try to do as much as you can for your child and perhaps everything as perfectly as possible. But can you do everything perfectly and should you? Do you do it all by yourself or do you seek help? How do you deal with the diagnosis and with the reactions of the outside world to the malformation? How do you deal with negative thoughts? Margaret Lee talks about this in her webinar with participants. She is a pediatric dermatologist (USA, Boston University School of Medicine), an expert by experience (she has DCMO), and a life coach.
Relaxation exercises, mindfulness, talking to other experienced parents, and, for example, following a webinar like this one can help enormously in putting things into perspective and not holding on to negative thoughts.
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