A concrete implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Our society is evolving constantly.
The society in which the companies stood for-profit and government for the common good is evolving into one in which many problems transcend national borders and more than 50% of the top 100 economies are not countries but corporations. As a consequence, global enterprises have to embrace not only an economic but also a social responsibility. Companies have to assume stewardship requiring a commitment of the entire company from top to bottom – a corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR is a way of doing business that is aimed at the economic performance (profit) with respect for the social side (people) within ecological constraints (planet): the “triple P” approach. CSR is not hype – it is the new way of doing business. A modern company exists in the midst of society and is formed by the people working there. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has drafted recommendations for corporate social responsibility, the so-called OECD guidelines. These guidelines make clear what governments expect from the behavior of companies.
Many companies have ‘corporate social responsibility’ programs and thus contribute to a better society.
Three dimensions of CSR
- The values that a company espouses. These are often described in a code of conduct and in so-called “compliance rules”.
- The social responsibility of a company: how a company conducts its core business and its responsibility in an environmental and social context. Many companies describe their activities in this field in a sustainability report. It is increasingly common to have such a report. The Directive of many companies in this field is the motto “People, Planet and Profit”.
- The social responsibility of a company: how the company gives back to society. This subject sometimes receives attention in the sustainability report; however, many companies choose not to communicate actively about it. Activities in this area include employees volunteering to contribute to a charity or sponsorship on company time.
Our organization can not exist without sponsors. CMTC-OVM desperately needs sponsors to bring healing and help closer! You can make a contribution and thus simultaneously follow your CSR program! Sponsoring our organization also increases the visibility of your business global.
Your support helps fund (among other things)
Material support for CMTC-OVM as important as financial support. Examples of important substantive contributions are:
- Scientific research on CMTC and related vascular malformations.
- Treatment of the disease.
- Travel and hotel expenses for patients from around the world undergoing medical treatment in the Netherlands.
- Website and social media development.
- Organizing member meetings in the Netherlands and the USA.
- Organizing family gatherings.
- Attending international conferences, specifically in the field of rare diseases.
Your support is vital for the continuation of our activities. The advantage of a donation in the form of sponsorship is that you can be sure that you are supporting patients with CMTC and related disorders and that you help us with long term planning. We guarantee that your money will be well spent. In our annual reports (prepared by an external accountant), it is calculated that more than 90% of our earnings went toward our goals. This shows that our overhead is minimal and that the money goes where it is intended
Companies and organizations that support us appear in the CMTC-OVM sponsor list. Naturally, we keep you informed about the use of your contribution. We are recognized in the Netherlands by the Dutch Tax as “Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling” (Public welfare institution).
We employ ethical guidelines when it comes to sponsors. Firstly, we do not accept sponsors involved in arms trafficking, child labor, etc. Secondly, we do not accept sponsorship from political parties, etc. Thirdly, we wish to maintain our independence and will not accept interference in our policy by a sponsor.
Want to consider sponsorship? Please contact us