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New Privacy legislation

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New Privacy legislation


From 25 May 2018 every European organization that deals with personal data must comply with the new ‘General Data Protection Regulation’ (GDPR). Our organization also has to comply to this legislation.

What is this law and why is it new?

Companies, governments, non-profit organizations etc. increasingly process large amounts of personal data. For example: medical data, financial data, data about search behavior on the internet. In addition, in this time with super-fast technological developments everything can be digitized and all data can be connected to each other. So it is very important that these data remain well protected.

New law badly needed

The new European General Data Protection Regulation (GPDR) is the successor of a European directive from 1995, which was implemented in the Netherlands in the Personal Data Protection Act. Other European countries also have their own privacy legislation. All this legislation will be canceled; the GDPR will become the only privacy law from May 25, and people can directly rely on it. A new law was badly needed. Internet was still in its infancy at the time the old law was established. Search engines did not exist yet. The GDPR has been adapted to the current digital age. Since the digital society has no borders, the GDPR applies to the entire European Union and it offers an equal level of protection for all citizens. Organizations are made more aware of their responsibility to handle personal data carefully. This means that organizations must be able to demonstrate with documents that they have taken the correct organizational and technical measures to comply with the GDPR.

This law also comes with an incentive to comply: serious fines for violation.

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